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Article type: 
Original article 

Index UDK: 316 

Year, Volume, Number:
2024, Vol. 12, № 4 (48)

Pages: 93-104

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Natalya V. Rozenberg
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Social Communications, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia,

Anna M. Ivanishko
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Social Communication, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya street, Penza, 440026, Russia,


DOI: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-9 


For citation:
Rozenberg N.V., Ivanishko A.M. Models of family relations: social portraits of youth. Elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal "Nauka. Obshchestvo. Gosudarstvo" = Electronic scientific journal "Science. Society. State". 2024;12(4):93–104. (In Russ.). doi: 10.21685/2307-9525-2024-12-4-9



Received: 15.09.2024

Accepted: 30.10.2024

Open access


Background. The diversity of family models and their corresponding values and practices observed in modern society contributes to the polyvariance in the marriage and family trajectories of young people. Socio-demographic factors have a significant impact on the choice of models of family relations. Depending on gender, age, marital status, income level and characteristics of the parent family, young people choose different models of family relations, including combinations of various matrimony, parenthood, and kinship. Materials and methods. To identify social portraits of young people who prefer different models of family relations, the materials of the author's sociological research were used (Penza region, 2023, n=616). As part of the analysis of marital and family behavior of young people in the Penza region, data from the All-Russian Population Census (2020) were taken into account. Results. Typical social portraits of young people who prefer different models of family relationships differ from each other. In younger age groups that are not in a relationship, the "indifferent model" is more common, but young people who are already married or have a permanent partner are more likely to focus on more "productive" models that promote family reproduction. The "family-oriented model" is preferred by both boys and girls aged 26 to 29 who are already married or in a permanent relationship, and also have a medium or high income level. Conclusions. Diversity is characteristic not only for the models of family relations of young people in the Penza region, but also for the social portraits of young people who prefer certain models. Among the youth of the Penza region, three main scenarios of family reproduction should be distinguished, associated with the spread of a "family-oriented model"; an "indifferent model", as well as alternative models of family relations.


models of family relationships, youth, family institution, family values, family practices


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